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What Is Your Sermon Preparation Process?

In my previous post entitled The Purpose of Preaching, I gave a brief overview of why the Gospel sermon is so important to the world and the church. Preachers are to be committed to our calling and always working to improve our walks with Christ, as well as our effectiveness in delivering the Gospel message. This means adopting a lifestyle of studying the Word of God, and continually digging deeper into the doctrinal truths we are to communicate to the unsaved for their salvation, and to the saints for their sanctification. Paul admonishes Timothy to...

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine." 2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)

To do this, Timothy needed to be at his preaching best at all times, he needed to be ready to preach both in public and from the pulpit, and what he was to say as an ambassador of God and His Word needed to be on point. It is for this reason, that I believe every preacher should have a process for preparing sermons and lessons to preach and teach the Word of God accurately and effectively.

To be an effective preacher of the Gospel, every preacher should have an established process for preparing sermons and lessons. In this article, I am sharing with you my S.P.I.E.S. methodology which I always use to aid in my preparation for the ministry of the Word. This acrostic is representative of: Study, Prayer, Immersion, Exegesis, and Synthesis. Review the image below for more details, or download the PDF, and I pray that it will be a blessing to you. Let me be clear, I am not advocating that you use my process (although, you can if you would like), I am admonishing you to develop your own, as it is crucial to your effectiveness as a preacher of the Gospel, and as a teacher of His Word.


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Preaching, Teaching, and Reaching

Copyright © 2020 Anthony J. Hunter

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